New York Times & USA Today Best Selling Author

Updates, Crashed, and Cleaning House…

FUELED Teaser - My wayOkay…a lot of people asking about a release date for Crashed…The #1 question I get on a daily basis. And I completely understand and am just as excited as you to get it into your hands….

With that said, I’ve always hinted at/said that Crashed will be released early next year…and that is still the time frame I am looking at. At this time I will not give an exact date to avoid the backlash that say a meteor strikes the earth and I can’t hit publish on the exact date I said…

I will give a date though…soon. I just need to make sure that I have my editor and book cover designer scheduled as well as all of the numerous other things that go on behind the scenes when releasing a book (and I promise you….there is so much more than I EVER realized before I started this venture). Oh and I need to make sure the book’s done too. Just a minor detail!

So thank you so much for hanging tight…I know waiting sucks…but I promise it’s because I’m trying to give Rylee and Colton the HEA that they deserve…and they do deserve it.

Thanks for re-reading and posting and continuing to spread the word about the books across social media. Every day I am informed by someone that they heard about the series from a friend…and I am so appreciative of that. I’m humbled that you love them so much that you’re keeping Rylee, Colton and the boys ‘alive’ while you wait for the last installment.

In addition to that…there have been a lot of questions asking me “Is this it? I’m going to miss R&C when this is over.” On that note, I will #unofficially say that while Crashed will be the conclusion of Rylee and Colton’s story, it will not be the last that you will hear from them. Is that okay? My mind already has a novella (at least) revisiting them after a bit, but #unofficially first up after Crashed will be a little something for Becks and Haddie (the #2 asked question I receive). And then possibly a few more books on other characters you’ve been flooding my email about.

So does that help a bit? I know waiting stinks…and I wish I had this book finished for you and could deliver a nice big Colton Xmas present for you…but realistically and in the scheme of being honest with you all, it’s not going to happen…maybe a special POV…but not Crashed.

A couple of house cleaning issues so my email is not flooded and I take time away from writing Crashed and answering them…

1. (1) More week left in the contest of best response to a friend that’s read Fueled.

2. Thank you so much for your reviews on Amazon. Those reviews are a lifeline (no Fueled pun intended) to us independent authors. It is partially because of those reviews that Amazon took notice of Fueled and selected it as one of it’s Top 10 Best Romances for all of 2013 – WOW! (Talk about an unexpected surprise). So thank you for those of you that have reviewed it. There are a TON of you that haven’t…and I know the process is a little tedious….but I’d really appreciate you taking the time to drop a 25 word review if you can.

3. Rumors are swirling that I’ve signed with an agent and that Crashed is going to be delayed…I have in fact signed with an agent…BUT one big point in my decision was that Crashed will remain mine (& yours)….no delay in publication because I am keeping it indie published and not selling it to traditional publishers here in the US- I don’t want you guys to have to wait to get it. There are talks about selling foreign rights to Driven/Fueled so that it can be translated in other languages abroad, but that will in no way affect you guys – it will just mean that more people will get to fall in love with our Ace, just in a different language.

4. Audio books: lots of people asking about audio books. Audio books are in the works and being recorded so stay tuned for those updates and sales links.

5. Signed copies: Lots of questions on this. Yes I will sell signed copies. These take quite a lot of time to do, so please be patient with me because it usually takes a whole day or 2 of my time. If you are interested in a signed copy, please email me at and send me your email address and physical address and which books you want. US shipping is 16.50 per book (the book + shipping to me +shipping to you +packaging) Books abroad…the books are 12.99 and then whatever the shipping is (for 2 books to the UK it’s an added $29 – FYI)

6. Still need more Colton? Suffering from OCD (Obsessive Colton Disorder?) … make sure to head over to The Driven Trilogy group here in Facebook where you can discuss all things Driven/Fueled/Colton with all the other 5,000+ members of the VP Pit Crew: Join by going here:

7. Lots of questions about where to reach/follow me at. Virtual Stalking links:

I think that about sums it up. Thank you so much again for all of your support!


2 Responses

  1. Love you Kristy, We want it to be perfect too. And anyone that is bitching about it way too much is not really a Colton & Rylee fan. I want it yesterday but I know you are working on making it right for C&R and for us too. Just don’t come back and tell us it will be 2015 before we get them back in our hands LOL ♥ ♥ ♥

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