New York Times & USA Today Best Selling Author

Announcing a 3rd Book



I’m happy to announce that I have signed a new deal with Penguin NAL to bring you a 3rd standalone Driven Novel about Rylee’s brother, Tanner Thomas.

Who is Tanner Thomas besides a foreign war correspondent who walks into danger for the truth and stumbles out in love and with more than he bargained for?

You’ll have to stay tuned to find out.

So what does this all mean? What are the timeframes for release? What about the 10 year gap novel? I think you’ll be happy with the answers…



I am contracted with Penguin NAL for the following (3) books. These are all ‘DRIVEN Novels’ but can be read as complete standalones. You do not need to read the Driven trilogy to understand these books nor do you have to read the 3 books below in order of their publish date as they all tell their own complete story about the main characters. Yes it’s possible that Rylee and Colton might make appearances in these books seeing as they are family, but I want to reiterate that these stories are not driven (pun intended) by Ryles and Ace.

1. SLOW BURN (Becks and Haddie’s story) will release as planned February 24th   (Pre-order HERE)

2. SWEET ACHE (Quinlan and Hawkin’s story) will release as planned June 2nd (Pre-order HERE)

3. BOOK #3 – UNTITLED (Tanner’s story) will be released in November 2015 – (I want to note that Penguin has worked their butts off to get us this publish date rather than January 2016 because they knew you ladies would not be happy with a 7 month lag between books….so yay!! for Penguin!)

I will also be working on a fourth book … the 10 year gap novel (untitled) – centered on Rylee and Colton. At this time I don’t want to give a date because this final installment is something I want to take my time on, make sure everything I want included in the book is there and that’s not something I want to rush…I owe it to you guys and to their story to make sure it’s perfect. I want to say next year – late summer possibly – but at this time that’s as close as a date as I’ll give you.



The inevitable question when I post all of the Driven stuff above is, do you have anything else you want to write besides the Driven characters? … and the answer is YES!!!!! I have a whole slew of people in my head impatiently waiting to have their story told and I can’t wait to let their voices out. I think you’ll love Charlie and Cross when you get a chance to meet them. You’ll question her and love him as well as their story…I also have another story begging to be heard about a widow that will make you feel and hope and root for her … I just haven’t picked names yet for her or her love interests.


While I’m being wordy…I might as well keep giving you information, right?

– In SWEET ACHE news…stay tuned because November 3rd you’ll see Quin and Hawk’s cover and synopsis. I’m excited for you guys to hear their story. I’m about 50% done writing it and I’m really enjoying the unexpected surprises that are happening as I figure their characters out.

DRIVEN TRILOGY TRAILER CONTEST – Readers are still voting on the trailer submissions but the voting will end on October 31st. If you haven’t had a chance to watch them…click HERE and then vote…

Thanks again for all of your support and I can’t wait to see what you think of the new stuff!!!

Kristy ❤️

26 Responses

  1. Woo Hoo! Can’t wait to read all these great stories that come out of that brilliant mind of yours! I bet Tanner is gonna be so swoon worthy! Can’t wait! Thank you and I RACE YOU!

  2. So excited for more Driven, stand alone, family, inspired novels! (see, I did read what you wrote. Lol). We are so thankful that you take into consideration our constant need for MORE Colton and Rylee and their "family" and still want to write about them. We don't take that for granted, so THANK YOU!!! Having said all that, I really am interested in Charlie and Cross as you make them sound very intriguing!! So YAY for us and CONGRATS to you on your continued success!


  4. I wish there was an option to set up automatic pre-orders on the author instead of just a single book because I would without hesitation sign up for every book you write. Thank you for sharing your amazing gift of writing. Looking forward to these next four.

  5. Kristy, The news just gets better and better having more books in the works!!! So excited to hear about Tanner and will the other books sound great too!! I know that Colton and Rylee’s book will be perfect. Love all your wordy news and will be #1 clicking to preorder them all.

    Race you so hard!!

  6. I'm so excited! I have read a lot of books over the years and I still can't get these books out of my head!!

  7. Omg it just keeps getting better!! Where is the love button because like just doesn’t express what I feel

  8. Omg it just keeps getting better!! Where is the love button because like just doesn’t express what I feel

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