It’s been a while since I’ve posted so I thought you might want to talk about Colton…
My damaged alpha…little boy inside the damaged man.
“F*cking Rylee” – That term of endearment if you will…gets a lot of criticism. My thoughts on it? When I first wrote it for Colton, I used it as a show of frustration…this defying woman was ‘f*cking Rylee’ but as the books progress, as his feelings progress, the term goes from one of frustration to a type of endearment. His alpha way to express his growing sentiment for this woman who has knocked his emotional world on its ass. Sometimes I write it and don’t even realize I have because that is just him to me.
“Voodoo P*ssy” – yes…that term. It was a total fluke. It was never in Fueled…until I wrote that POV for The Sub Club from the Merit Rum party…and I was just writing and somehow, someway, it popped into my head and I thought it was perfect – for him, for the scene, the meaning – everything. And the Sub Club said the feedback on the term was unbelievable so I decided it fit perfectly when I decided to add Colton POV’s into Fueled.
“Barebacking” – I don’t even remember where I heard it the first time but my immediate thought was it would be perfect for the ‘bromance’ between him and Becks.
My sweet, rough, hard, soft, Colton…As I sit here going through my final edits before beginning the proofing stage on Crashed…I am overwhelmed with the love you guys have for him. He’s not always nice, doesn’t always know the right way to express himself, and in his own terms he’s more f*cked up than not…but there’s that vulnerability that’s underneath…that side that comes through that melts your heart. Yes he’ll always be alive in the pages of the book…but you all have made him come to life more than I ever could have imagined.
It’s weird…and maybe it’s because I’m new at this author thing but I’ve been sitting and trying to write my outlines for the next 3 books – spinoff characters from this series – and I worry that I won’t be able to leave Colton’s voice behind. I worry that every time I go to write another male lead, a little bit of Colton will be there too….and then I worry if other male leads I write will ever compare to him. Can you tell I’m a tad bit sentimental over letting him go?
As Colton says in Crashed…baby steps. Especially for this author that’s learning to say goodbye.
So the first baby step will be ARC’s going out next weekend-ish. Over 320 blogs applied and 20 were chosen at random…I’m sorry I couldn’t give them to all of you…And when those go out, I’ll be sad…because he won’t just be mine anymore…the proverbial cord will begin to be cut.
And then hopefully the bloggers will think it’s good. Hopefully they’ll think I’ve given Rylee and Colton the ending they deserve. And then you’ll start seeing teaser quotes pop up here and there while days dwindle down…and then it will be March 3rd…and it’s silly really to think what an emotional mess I’ll be that day. I’ve pushed publish twice before but this time it’s going to mean so much more…it’s going to be an ending to the characters that gave me a ‘beginning’. I’ll have written almost a half a million words about these characters. I’ll have dreamt and thought and plotted about them for a little over a year. I’ll have cursed them and loved them and been frustrated with them right along side you guys. I’ll have pushed myself in more ways then I ever thought possible to make Crashed as best as it possibly can be….for you, for Rylee and Colton…and in all honesty, for me….because these two have tested me, have healed parts of me I never even knew were broken, have given me a sense of self that has always been just beyond my reach…so these two…whew! These two will forever stay in my heart as I hope when I finally turn them over to you, they will yours…
So wow! that was a little off course…going from Colton to my verbal diatribe above…but as you all know, that’s me *shrugs*, no apologies. I have an excuse now for being all over the place…I can say I’m an artist…lol.
And when it’s over…when you read ‘The End’, I’m thinking up a little something to keep the spirit alive a little longer…something that will allow readers all over the world a chance to participate…but I’m still ironing out those details and will have them for you on release day…
Until then, stay tuned for a couple more surprise posts from Colton this month for Valentine’s day…you know how much he loves his Roses are Red poems for his F*cking Rylee.
Thanks for taking this ride with me…some of you have been here since day one…I know your names and smile when you comment on a post…and that means the world to me….because this whole journey is about people…making them feel in extremes, transporting them to another world for a while, giving Mom’s an excuse to pretend their stomach’s are upset so they can hide in the bathroom a little longer–get another moment of peace–just so they can finish the next chapter (oh c’mon, you all know you do it!)…letting some living with their own demons watch Colton confront and overcome his and hopefully give them a bit of hope…it’s 100% about people to me…readers, their reactions, making them fall in love with Colton and Rylee through each and every heart-stopping high and soul shattering low…because that’s life…nothing’s perfect…me, my characters, nothing…let’s just hope you love the imperfections–for the good and the bad–in Crashed this time around because they make for one hell of a story…
Thanks again…til next time.
12 Responses
Wow Kristy, u really have us pegged, I remember being late coming home from work because I had to finish the chapter lol they really r the most fantastic. Books can't wait to read crashed as I know u will do us & ureself proud, so the so much
Thank you so much for these wonderful books that take us out of our daily grind and transport us into Colton and Rylee's world. You are such a great author, and to give us the opportunity to be a part of such a great story and interact so much with your fans is awesome. Thank you Mrs. Bromberg, you are amazing.
You already have me in tears, and the book isn't even out yet! No, it isn't just a book, it's a story you have told from your heart that will always hold onto Colton and Rylee. Thank you for giving us, your fans/readers your very best. I feel like a little piece of your heart will be a part of each book you sell! We will treasure your story and the piece of you! You are amazing for sharing so much!!
Thank you for not just hurrying up and getting Crashed out as soon as possible…..I've always said you never rush into a good thing, the really, really good stuff takes time. #Cantwait #Dontwantittoend
I came on the scene late, but fell in love with Colton and Raylee the same as everyone else. Thank you for sharing them with us. I have thoroughly enjoyed being in their world. And look forward to Crashed. It was hard not to cry reading the above. I know it's your baby and its hard to let go, but thank you it will be cherished.
Thank you for these wonderful books and the ones coming in the future………thank you for being a great writer. I race you. <3
Well…. I didn’t think I would cry but I did. They thought of reading THE END is just to much. I don’t want to do it.
Awe! TEARS! Thank you for sharing them with us. I love your point of view of writing the ending. I think of how much I miss characters when the book or series is over but hasn't really thought about how hard this is on you as the author and creator of these beautiful people, to say good bye. Thanks for that! You're wonderful!
I see at the top of the page….Author after your name, and rightfully so. I don't tear up much reading or otherwise, but this did it for me… You probably don't remember having a one on one chat with me a while back,,,,,I could not get over you actually "chatting" with me, me., me. Lol. When you had so many other important things to do ( Crashed was no finished,,,,,,I even spelled your name wrong. But, back to my original thought. What I read in your writing was love. Of what you have chosen to do with you life ….write……share with the world your inner most "stuff". I sincerely wish and hope you become what ever your dreams are,,,,,,millionaire,,,,,known around the world ,,,,or ????.(you know those doors are opening) I will always remember you as the new Artist the spent time with a new member because wanted to. And at the top of my page it reads…….Sandy Foreman – Mom. These books are your children and you have done one hellava job in raising them and putting them out to the world. Xoxoxox
Aww…how sweet! I race you!
Fell in love with your characters. Seeing that you've just started writing makes me want to try again. Your words puts us somewhere else for just a while. That's a good thing you brought us. Thank you.
Thank YOU for writing this series and introducing us to Colton & Rylee! You have changed my life with this beautiful story by making laugh, cry, smile, yell, throw my kindle & remember the most hilarious memories ever! I am a fan of yours and theirs forever!! Exciting for 3-3-14 ♥ ♥ ♥ I RACE YOU!!